Results for 'Jane Andrews Aiken'

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  1.  49
    Leon Battista Alberti's system of human proportions.Jane Andrews Aiken - 1980 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 43 (1):68-96.
  2.  22
    Richard Padovan. Proportion: Science, Philosophy, Architecture. xii + 388 pp., illus., figs., tables, bibl., index. London/New York: E & FN Spon, 1999. $39.99. [REVIEW]Jane Andrews Aiken - 2002 - Isis 93 (3):541-542.
  3. An Interdisciplinary Journal.Andrew Skilton, Shan Buddhism, Kate Crosby, Khammai Dhammasami, Jotika Khur-Yearn, Chit Hlaing, Susan Conway, Venerable Khammai Dhammasami, Nancy Eberhardt & Jane M. Ferguson - 2009 - Contemporary Buddhism 10 (2).
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    3D object recognition using invariance.Andrew Zisserman, David Forsyth, Joseph Mundy, Charlie Rothwell, Jane Liu & Nic Pillow - 1995 - Artificial Intelligence 78 (1-2):239-288.
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    The General Data Protection Regulation in the Age of Surveillance Capitalism.Jane Andrew & Max Baker - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 168 (3):565-578.
    Clicks, comments, transactions, and physical movements are being increasingly recorded and analyzed by Big Data processors who use this information to trace the sentiment and activities of markets and voters. While the benefits of Big Data have received considerable attention, it is the potential social costs of practices associated with Big Data that are of interest to us in this paper. Prior research has investigated the impact of Big Data on individual privacy rights, however, there is also growing recognition of (...)
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    Thinking About Nature: An Investigation of Nature, Value and Ecology.Jane M. Howarth & Andrew Brennan - 1991 - Philosophical Quarterly 41 (162):94.
    Ecology – unlike astronomy, physics, or chemistry – is a science with an associated political and ethical movement: the Green Movement. As a result, the ecological position is often accompanied by appeals to holism, and by a mystical quasi-religious conception of the ecosystem. In this title, first published in 1988, Andrew Brennan argues that we can reduce much of the mysticism surrounding ecological discussions by placing them within a larger context, and illustrating that our individual interests are bound with larger, (...)
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    The patients have a story to tell: Informed consent for people who use illicit opiates.Jane McCall, J. Craig Phillips, Andrew Estafan & Vera Caine - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (3):666-672.
    Background: There is a significant discourse in the literature that opines that people who use illicit opiates are unable to provide informed consent due to withdrawal symptoms and cognitive impairment as a result of opiate use. Aims: This paper discusses the issues related to informed consent for this population. Ethical considerations: Ethical approval was obtained from both the local REB and the university. Written informed consent was obtained from all participants. Method: This was a qualitative interpretive descriptive study. 22 participants (...)
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    Gender equality and religion: A multi-faith exploration of young adults’ narratives.Andrew Kam-Tuck Yip & Sarah-Jane Page - 2017 - European Journal of Women's Studies 24 (3):249-265.
    This article presents findings from research on young adults in the UK from diverse religious backgrounds. Utilizing questionnaires, interviews and video diaries, it assesses how religious young adults understood and managed the tensions in popular discourse between gender equality as an enshrined value and aspirational narrative, and religion as purportedly instituting gender inequality. The article shows that, despite varied understandings, and the ambivalence and tension in managing ideal and practice, participants of different religious traditions and genders were committed to gender (...)
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  9. Between the crowd and the band: performance experience, creative practice, and wellbeing for professional touring musicians.Andrew Geeves, Samuel Jones, Jane Davidson & John Sutton - 2020 - International Journal of Wellbeing 10 (5):5-26.
    In some musical genres, professional performers play live shows many times a week. Arduous touring schedules bring encounters with wildly diverse audiences across many different performance ecologies. We investigate the kinds of creativity involved in such repeated live performance, kinds of creativity that are quite unlike songwriting and recording, and examine the central factors that influence musicians’ wellbeing over the course of a tour. The perspective of the professional musician has been underrepresented in research on relations between music and wellbeing, (...)
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  10. Corporate ethics and values : guiding business out of the maelstrom.Jane Ross, Jack Ross & Andrew Creed - 2013 - In Liam Leonard & Maria-Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez (eds.), Principles and strategies to balance ethical, social and environmental concerns with corporate requirements. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing.
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  11. Opportunities and challenges in promoting climate change in a Comenius Network.John Oversby, Jane Fieldsend & Andrew Happle - 2012 - In Silvija Markic, Ingo Eilks, David Di Fuccia & Bernd Ralle (eds.), Issues of heterogeneity and cultural diversity in science education and science education research: a collection of invited papers inspired by the 21st Symposium on Chemical and Science Education held at the University of Dortmund, May 17-19, 2012. Aachen: Shaker Verlag.
  12.  19
    Anthony Grafton. Leon Battista Alberti: Master Builder of the Italian Renaissance. xii + 417 pp., frontis., illus., index.New York: Hill & Wang, 2000. $35. [REVIEW]Jane Aiken - 2002 - Isis 93 (1):112-113.
    Anthony Grafton, like Jacob Burckhardt before him, begins his appreciation of Leon Battista Alberti by reviewing how the fifteenth‐century Italian author created a many‐faceted identity through willful self‐fashioning. Grafton, however, offers the reader a much richer Bildungsroman than the older portrait and exposes many forces undercutting the monolithic character of Burckhardt's Renaissance, the same forces that may provide a key to the contrary and doubt‐ridden persona frequenting Alberti's writings. Alberti's ambitions and the leitmotifs of his life from his youthful aspirations (...)
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    Corticosteroid injection for carpal tunnel syndrome: a 5-year survivorship analysis.Paul J. Jenkins, Andrew D. Duckworth, Adam C. Watts & Jane E. McEachan - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman (ed.), The Hand. MIT Press. pp. 151-156.
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  14. A Belmont Report for Animals?Hope Ferdowsian, L. Syd M. Johnson, Jane Johnson, Andrew Fenton, Adam Shriver & John Gluck - 2020 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 29 (1):19-37.
    Abstract:Human and animal research both operate within established standards. In the United States, criticism of the human research environment and recorded abuses of human research subjects served as the impetus for the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research, and the resulting Belmont Report. The Belmont Report established key ethical principles to which human research should adhere: respect for autonomy, obligations to beneficence and justice, and special protections for vulnerable individuals and (...)
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  15. Storywrangler: A massive exploratorium for sociolinguistic, cultural, socioeconomic, and political timelines using Twitter.Thayer Alshaabi, Jane L. Adams, Michael V. Arnold, Joshua R. Minot, David R. Dewhurst, Andrew J. Reagan, Christopher M. Danforth & Peter Sheridan Dodds - manuscript
    In real-time, Twitter strongly imprints world events, popular culture, and the day-to-day; Twitter records an ever growing compendium of language use and change; and Twitter has been shown to enable certain kinds of prediction. Vitally, and absent from many standard corpora such as books and news archives, Twitter also encodes popularity and spreading through retweets. Here, we describe Storywrangler, an ongoing, day-scale curation of over 100 billion tweets containing around 1 trillion 1-grams from 2008 to 2020. For each day, we (...)
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    The desirability bias in predictions under aleatory and epistemic uncertainty.Paul D. Windschitl, Jane E. Miller, Inkyung Park, Shanon Rule, Ashley Clary & Andrew R. Smith - 2022 - Cognition 229 (C):105254.
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    Book Reviews of "The Old Reading Room"," Information Policy in the Electronic Age", '–œOnly Connect: Shaping Networks And Knowledge For The New Millennium'–, and "Internet Today!".Martin White, Jane Dorner, Andrew Wale & John Cox - 2000 - Logos 11 (1):50-54.
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    As low as reasonably practicable (ALARP): a moral model for clinical risk management in the setting of technology dependence.Helen Lynne Turnham, Sarah-Jane Bowen, Sitara Ramdas, Andrew Smith, Dominic Wilkinson & Emily Harrop - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (10):712-715.
    Children dependent on life-prolonging medical technology are often subject to a constant background risk of sudden death or catastrophic complications. Such children can be cared for in hospital, in an intensive care environment with highly trained nurses and doctors able to deliver specialised, life-saving care immediately. However, remaining in hospital, when life expectancy is limited, can considered to be a harm in of itself. Discharge home offers the possibility for an improved quality of life for the child and their family (...)
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  19.  17
    Research governance review of a negligible-risk research project: Too much of a good thing?Amanda Rush, Rod Ling, Jane E. Carpenter, Candace Carter, Andrew Searles & Jennifer A. Byrne - 2017 - Research Ethics 14 (3):1-12.
    There are increasing concerns that research regulatory requirements exceed those required to manage risks, particularly for low- and negligible-risk research projects. In particular, inconsistent documentation requirements across research sites can delay the conduct of multi-site projects. For a one-year, negligible-risk project examining biobank operations conducted at three separate Australian institutions, we found that the researcher time required to meet regulatory requirements was eight times greater than that required for the approved research activity. In total, 76 business days were required to (...)
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  20.  37
    Cancer fear and the interpretation of ambiguous information related to cancer.Anne Miles, Sanne Voorwinden, Andrew Mathews, Laura C. Hoppitt & Jane Wardle - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (4):701-713.
  21.  11
    Katharine Jane Tait, 1923–2021.Andrew Bone & Sheila Turcon - 2022 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 41 (2):98-98.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Katharine Jane Tait, 1923–2021Andrew Bone and Sheila Turcon Click for larger view View full resolutionIt was with great sadness that the Bertrand Russell Research Centre learned of the death on 26 July 2021 of Katharine Tait, Bertrand Russell’s daughter. Dr. Tait was a founder of the Bertrand Russell Society, attended several of its annual meetings, and was always strongly supportive of, and involved in, research and inquiry into (...)
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  22.  36
    (1 other version)Infant imitation and the self—A response to Welsh.Jane Lymer - 2012 - Philosophical Psychology (2):1-23.
    Talia Welsh (2006) argues that Shaun Gallagher and Andrew Meltzoff's (1996) application of neonatal imitation research is insufficient grounds for their claim that neonates are born with a primitive body image and thus an innate self-awareness. Drawing upon an understanding of the self that is founded upon a ?theory of mind,? Welsh challenges the notion that neonates have the capacity for self-awareness and charges the supposition with an essentialism which threatens to disrupt more social constructionist understandings of the self. In (...)
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  23.  71
    Jane C. Biers: The Great Bath on the Lechaion Road. (Corinth: Results of Excavations conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 17.) Pp. xiv + 112; 56 plates; 8 figs. Princeton: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1985. $25. [REVIEW]Andrew Farrington - 1988 - The Classical Review 38 (2):446-446.
  24.  15
    The global guide to animal protection.Andrew Linzey & Desmond Tutu (eds.) - 2013 - Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press.
    Raising awareness of human indifference and cruelty toward animals, The Global Guide to Animal Protection includes more than 180 introductory articles that survey the extent of worldwide human exploitation of animals from a variety of perspectives. In addition to entries on often disturbing examples of human cruelty toward animals, the book provides inspiring accounts of attempts by courageous individuals--including Jane Goodall, Shirley McGreal, Birute Mary Galdikas, Richard D. Ryder, and Roger Fouts--to challenge and change exploitative practices. As concern for (...)
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  25.  18
    Contemporary political theory.Andrew Shorten - 2016 - New York: Palgrave.
    Introducing the major theories, issues and concepts in contemporary political theory, this text is a comprehensive and engaging introduction to the field. The book examines a range of topics to explore questions such as: What kinds of political community best support democracy? Do members of wealthy societies have duties to eradicate global poverty? Who or what should be the authority on human rights? Chapters are carefully organized to enhance learning by first setting out rival perspectives on key political issues which (...)
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  26.  28
    Philosophical Peace and Methodological Nonviolence.Andrew Fiala - 2021 - The Acorn 21 (1-2):21-49.
    This article considers the nonviolent commitment of philosophy, arguing that “methodological nonviolence” is a normative ideal guiding philosophical practice and that rational dialogue is connected with nonviolence. The paper presents a transcendental argument about the form of nonviolent communication. Even when philosophers argue in favor of justified violence, they make such arguments within a nonviolent practice. The argument is grounded in historical references to ways that philosophers have clarified the philosophical commitment to methodological nonviolence, the ideal unity of means and (...)
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  27.  37
    Political Skepticism and Anarchist Themes in the American Tradition.Andrew Fiala - 2013 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 5 (2).
    This article describes a generally trend in American thought that is skeptical of social and political institutions. This trend can be described as a sort of philosophical anarchism. It develops out of pragmatist and skeptical criticism of absolutism in both philosophical and political systems. This paper traces this theme from its early roots in American Christian anarchism, through transcendentalists such as Emerson and Thoreau, and on to the work of William James and Jane Addams. It also outlines explicit connections (...)
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  28.  68
    Democracy, Peace and the War System: The Democratic Peace Project.Andrew Blom - 2013 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 23 (2):3-20.
    The idea that peace prevails in the relations among liberal democratic states, given its first expression in Kant’s essay “Toward Perpetual Peace,” has gathered a great deal of attention in the post-Cold War period as both a testable hypothesis and a proposal for expanding peace through democratization. This article examines the explanations for how a democratic peace is achieved and sustained. It argues that, despite tendencies within democratic state relations toward peaceful conflict resolution, such a peace is destabilized by continued (...)
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  29.  81
    Biology and the Foundation of Ethics: Edited by Jane Maienschein and Michael Ruse, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999, 336 pages, pound45.00, US$64.95 (hc); pound15.95, US$19.95 (sc). [REVIEW]Andrew S. Leggett - 2000 - Journal of Medical Ethics 26 (6):480-481.
    Is evolutionary ethics going to be to the new millennium what virtue ethics has been to the eighties and early nineties? If the rash of books on the subject is anything to go by, the answer has to be “yes”. This is not, however, to claim that the subject is novel. Although many point to Edward Wilson's work in the seventies as heralding the dawn of a new focus in ethics, the claim that ethics can be grounded in our biological (...)
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  30. Absence of evidence against belief as credence 1.Andrew del Rio - 2022 - Analysis 83 (1):31-39.
    On one view of the traditional doxastic attitudes, belief is credence 1, disbelief is credence 0 and suspension is any precise credence between 0 and 1. In ‘Rational agnosticism and degrees of belief’ (2013) Jane Friedman argues, against this view, that there are cases where a credence of 0 is required but where suspension is permitted. If this were so, belief, disbelief and suspension could not be identified or reduced to the aforementioned credences. I argue that Friedman relies on (...)
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    Rhetoric and the Pursuit of Truth: Language Change in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries : Papers Read at a Clark Library Seminar, 8 March 1980.Brian Vickers, Nancy S. Struever & William Andrews Clark Memorial Library - 1985 - William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California, Los Angeles.
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    Book Review: Religious and Sexual Identities: A Multi Faith Exploration of Young Adults by Andrew Kam-Tuck Yip and Sarah-Jane Page. [REVIEW]Mary Jo Neitz - 2014 - Gender and Society 28 (4):647-649.
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    The dilemmas of seditious men: the CrowtherHessen correspondence in the 1930s Highly commended essay, BSHS Singer Prize . The research and preparation of this paper were financially supported by a postgraduate research award from the Arts and Humanities Research Board for which I remain extremely grateful. Thanks are also due to Professor Robert Fox and Dr David Priestland, my supervisors, for their inexhaustible perseverance and patience with this errant student. Linacre College, especially Jane Edwards, has been instrumental in helping my research proceed as painlessly as possible. Staff at the Special Collections, University of Sussex, and the Manuscript Collections, University of Edinburgh Library, were extremely facilitating and hospitable. Further intellectual and personal debts are due to John Christie, Geoffrey Cantor, Graeme Gooday, Paul Josephson and Gennady Gorelik. My close friends Andrew Player, Becky Shtasel, Keith Pennington and Kate Douglas helped with support, dialecti. [REVIEW]C. A. J. Chilvers - 2003 - British Journal for the History of Science 36 (4):417-435.
    The Marxist history of science has played an enormous role in the development of the history of science. Whether through the appreciation of its insights or the construction of a political fortress to prevent infusion, its presence is felt. From 1931 the work of Marxists played an integral part in the international development of the history of science, though rarely have the connections between them or their own biographies been explored. These networks convey a distinct history, alongside political, methodological and (...)
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  34.  45
    Eadmer of Canterbury: Lives and Miracles of Saints Oda, Dunstan, and Oswald. Edited and translated by Andrew J. Turner and Bernard J. Muir and Aelred of Rievaulx: The Lives of the Northern Saints. Translated by Jane Patricia Freeland; edited, with an introduction and notes, by Marsha L. Dutton. [REVIEW]R. N. Swanson - 2008 - Heythrop Journal 49 (6):1052-1053.
  35. Do Apes Read Minds?: Toward a New Folk Psychology.Kristin Andrews - 2012 - MIT Press.
    Andrews argues for a pluralistic folk psychology that employs different kinds of practices and different kinds of cognitive tools (including personality trait attribution, stereotype activation, inductive reasoning about past behavior, and ...
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  36. Categorical Imperative.Andrews Reath - 2013 - In Hugh LaFollette (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell.
  37. Agency and Autonomy in Kant's Moral Theory: Selected Essays.Andrews Reath - 2006 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Andrews Reath presents a selection of his best essays on various features of Kant's moral psychology and moral theory, with particular emphasis on his conception of rational agency and his conception of autonomy. Together the essays articulate Reath's original approach to Kant's views about human autonomy, which explains Kant's belief that objective moral requirements are based on principles we choose for ourselves. With two new papers, and revised versions of several others, the volume will be of great interest to (...)
  38. Agency And The Imputation Of Consequences In Kant's Ethics.Andrews Reath - 1994 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 2.
    Kant holds that when an agent acts contrary to a strict moral requirement, all of the resulting bad consequences are imputable to the agent, whether foreseeable or not. Conversely, no bad consequences resulting from an agent's compliance with duty are imputable. This paper analyzes the underlying rationale of Kant's principles for the moral imputation of bad consequences. One aim is to show how Kant treats imputability as a question for practical reason occurring within the context of first-order moral norms, rather (...)
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  39. Humans, the Norm-Breakers. [REVIEW]Kristin Andrews - 2023 - Biology and Philosophy 38 (5):1-13.
    What is it to be a better ape? This is the question Victor Kumar and Richmond Campbell ask in their book on the evolution of the moral mind, an ambitious story that starts with the common ancestor of the modern apes—humans, chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, and orangutans. Of all of us, it’s the humans who remain in the running for being a better ape, because we’re the ones who have all the necessary ingredients: the binding emotions of sympathy and loyalty which (...)
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  40. Two conceptions of the highest good in Kant.Andrews Reath - 1988 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 26 (4):593-619.
    This paper develops an interpretation of what is essential to kant's doctrine of the highest good, Which defends it while also explaining why it is often rejected. While it is commonly viewed as a theological ideal in which happiness is proportioned to virtue, The paper gives an account in which neither feature appears. The highest good is best understood as a state of affairs to be achieved through human agency, Containing the moral perfection of all individuals and the satisfaction of (...)
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  41. It’s in your nature: a pluralistic folk psychology.Kristin Andrews - 2008 - Synthese 165 (1):13 - 29.
    I suggest a pluralistic account of folk psychology according to which not all predictions or explanations rely on the attribution of mental states, and not all intentional actions are explained by mental states. This view of folk psychology is supported by research in developmental and social psychology. It is well known that people use personality traits to predict behavior. I argue that trait attribution is not shorthand for mental state attributions, since traits are not identical to beliefs or desires, and (...)
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  42. Hegel's Presentation Of The Cartesian Philosophy In The Lectures On The History Of Philosophy.Floy Andrews Doull - 2000 - Animus 5:22-42.
  43. The Meaning of Christ for Paul.Elias Andrews - 1949
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  44. Introduction.Andrews Reath - 2010 - In Andrews Reath & Jens Timmermann (eds.), Kant's 'Critique of Practical Reason': A Critical Guide. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  45. The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Animal Minds.Kristin Andrews & Jacob Beck (eds.) - 2017 - Routledge.
    While philosophers have been interested in animals since ancient times, in the last few decades the subject of animal minds has emerged as a major topic in philosophy. _The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Animal Minds_ is an outstanding reference source to the key topics, problems and debates in this exciting subject and is the first collection of its kind. Comprising nearly fifty chapters by a team of international contributors, the _Handbook_ is divided into eight parts: Mental representation Reasoning and (...)
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  46. The Animal Mind: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Animal Cognition.Kristin Andrews - 2014 - Routledge.
    The study of animal cognition raises profound questions about the minds of animals and philosophy of mind itself. Aristotle argued that humans are the only animal to laugh, but in recent experiments rats have also been shown to laugh. In other experiments, dogs have been shown to respond appropriately to over two hundred words in human language. In this introduction to the philosophy of animal minds Kristin Andrews introduces and assesses the essential topics, problems and debates as they cut (...)
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  47. Question commentaries on the Categories in the thirteenth century.Robert Andrews - 2001 - Medioevo 26:265-326.
  48.  33
    The Fine-Tuning of Nomic Behavior in Multiverse Scenarios.Max Lewis Edward Andrews - unknown
    The multiverse hypothesis is the leading alternative to the competing fine-tuning hypothesis. The multiverse dispels many aspects of the fine-tuning argument by suggesting that there are different initial conditions in each universe, varying constants of physics, and the laws of nature lose their known arbitrary values; thus, making the previous single-universe argument from fine- tuning incredibly weak. The position that will be advocated will be that a form of multiverse could exist and that any level of Tegmark's multiverse does not (...)
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  49. Ethical Autonomy.Andrews Reath - 1996 - In Edward Craig (ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Genealogy to Iqbal. New York: Routledge. pp. 1.
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    Kantian Constructivism and Kantian Constitutivism: Some Reflections.Andrews Reath - 2022 - Kant Yearbook 14 (1):45-69.
    Is moral constructivism an account of the basis of the content of morality or of its authority? In fact, different writers have understood constructivism to be addressing different issues. In this paper I argue that Kant should be understood as a constructivist about the content of morality – or better about a limited set of general substantive principles – and as a constititutivist about its authority. After some general remarks in Section 1 about contemporary discussions of constructivism, in Section 2 (...)
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